Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week seven thing 16 and 17.

Just a song to make sure you are awake! Today I was reading about Wikis. I like the concept behind wikis, I am just not sure how useful they would be to me. I would have a problem with putting my words out on the internet and having anyone anywhere editing them at will. I think that some of the information on Wikipedia is good, but how can you tell that someone hasn't just edited the info and posted incorrect information? If I wanted to, I could head over to Wikipedia right now and cause all sorts of chaos by simply changing dates and times and changing the spelling of key terms. Then I would sit back and wait until someone catches my changes and fixes them. But someone could go to Wikipedia to do a school project and get bad information and thus get a bad grade. So, I think you have to be careful as to whom you let change your words.

But I can see how it would be useful if several people were working on a group project and all needed to add to and edit a document. Then you would not need to track down the current document on a disk, you could just log in and see the work in progress. Then you could add and update your changes. This would make it easier for all people concerned. Definately a good use for a wiki.

I hung around the wiki sandbox and it is a fun idea, but I could't think of anything to post. It was very freeform and chaotic and had no real organization and it was hard for me to just jump on in and add some other nonsense. I like to have a purpose behind my writing. But I did add my link to the list of links to prove that I was there!

So, I know how to use a wiki if ever I should need one. I guess that is all that matters.

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