Monday, June 11, 2007

8 Things Meme

I was tagged by Ellen and now must write eight things about myself. I wonder if you can guess who I am based on my responses.
1. As you can probably tell, I am a mystery lover. I especially love mysteries set in the United Kingdom. If you happen to run into me and ask me for a suggestion of a good book, be rest assured that there will be a dead body involved.
2. I adore pop music. There is nothing better. I think it might be because I grew up on Abba. Incidentally, much of the pop music I like also comes from the United Kingdom. I sense a trend here.
3. I am very fond of creatures that have four legs. I have three four legged creatures for a grand total of twelve legs. Added to the two two legged creatures that also live in the house, that would make it a sixteen leg household.
4. I rarely watch TV. I do like to watch full legnth movies and have a subscription to Netflix, but I do not have cable or a TV antenna. The only shows I watch are the shows I am able to watch online. If I am interested in a show, I wait until it comes out on DVD. Then I rent it, commercial free.
5. I live in a three story townhouse that also has a creepy basement. Does this make it a four story townhouse? I do not like going down into the basement because I have a pathological fear of spiders. Even when I can't see them, I know they are there, lurking. I hope I never need anything that might be in the basement!
6. I am not what you would call a neat person. In fact, I tend to be rather cluttered. I find comfort in my piles of books and music and odd whatnots that live on the coffee table. Like most cluttered folks, I tend to also know just where everything is.
7. I love to go out to eat and will try almost any type of cuisine. My favorite things to eat are Mexican and Indian. I also like sushi but I draw the line at raw fish. I like vegetable sushi. More mushrooms please.
8. I am not a fan of summer and I dislike heat intensely. I would much rather have things be cool and I really love the autumn best as a season. I don't have air conditioning in the living room of my house and it can be unbearable in the summer.
Play along! I am not going to tag anybody because I am not familiar enough with the new blogs in order to tag eight of you. But if you want to have some fun, play along. Just the facts, please!

1 comment:

hazelnut said...

Couldn't you send one of your four-footed residents down to the cellar to take care of the eight-footed residents? Many furry things just eat up leggy things without any encouragement or ill effects!