Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week Six, thing 13.

Have been playing around on I have set up my own account, and have been saving files and tagging away.

For example, this new video by Amy Winehouse (Tears Dry On Their Own) can be tagged Winehouse, video, music, youtube, tears and hair. I wondered if there was a way to tag something as a phrase, so you could use "Amy Winehouse" or "big hair" as a tag, but so far I can only see how to do tagging with one word.

I find it interesting that after you tag something you can select your tagged word and click "popular" and find other sites that share that tag.

I can really see how can be used for research. If I were reading serious articles for a paper I could put them all together under one heading. Most of the sites I am tagging are purely for fun but they are links that I go to quite frequently and it is nice to be able to log in to from any computer and find my list of personal links that I can peruse.

I have several youtube videos saved on my account with tags so I can just type in video and get a list of my favorites.

Then I can post the video here and torture you all with it.

I hope the rest of you have as much fun tagging as I am having!!!

1 comment:

JimD said...

I loved I'm using tags to keep up on all the various sites I've visited with this program.

Thought you deserved a comment. I've been reading through blogs today and your comments are all over the place!!